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We live in a very high stress society. Everyday it seems like it is go, go, go, rush, rush, rush. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you rush to get ready, rush to get the kids offto school feeding them pop tarts and sugar cereal so that they have something to eat, then you sit in rush hour traffic, deadlines at work press your time, rush to get home, rush to get the kids to and from practice, rush to fix dinner (alot of times I bet you are too tired to cook so you resort to your local pizza delivery for your nutritious meal) rush to do homework, maybe a half an hour for your favorite tv show, then it's time to get everyone to bed and you get to get up the next morning and do it allover again! Now, not only is this stressful at the time, but when you do this consistently for years,your body actually starts to age at an incredible rate.

Stress And Weight Gain

Research shows that the link between stress and weight gain is much stronger than originally thought. A recent study from Georgetown Med Center showed that mice under stress gain extra weight even if their calorie intake doesn't go up. Scientists also report that after 3 months, these same mice became 2x as obese as mice without stress, even though they were eating the same amount!

So does stress really cause weight gain? Well, the short answer is yes. BUT not in every person. Some people lose their appetite and lose weight when they're stressed. (I'm actually one of these people. Eating is the last thing from my mind) IF you are already overweight or close to it, then stress will usually lead to weight gain.

It will also make it harder to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Let's Talk About Stress Baby... Let's Talk About You And Me!

So What exactly is stress?

Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad  experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around them,
their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength.

The two major hormones that are released are called cortisol and adrenaline (epinephrine). Your adrenal glands are responsible for producing the stress hormones. Cortisol and Adrenaline prepare us for emergencies. This stress response has been engrained in our ancestry since the beginning of time and was critical for our survival becaused it provided a heightened state of alertness, allowing us to be ready to fight or run away. (That's why it is called the fight or flight response)

Now this response is great when we faced alot of physical danger that threatened our lives. ( Such as when a saber toothed tiger jumped out of the bushes to try to eat us) Today though, the stress we encounter is quite different. It is more mental and emotional in nature. ( Now, your job may be the saber toothed tiger chasing you) BUT the body will still respond the same way because it doesn't know the difference between physical stress and mental stress.

So How Does The Weight Gain Occur?

Stress and weight gain go hand in hand. First off, negative effects of higher and prolonged
levels of cortisol include suppression of the thyroid function and blood sugar imbalances.
How your body functions has changed and now abdominal fat is being created and
stored. This is one of the most dangerous places for fat to be stored and is linked to
various serious health problems
Just how much cortisol is secreted varies from person to person. Studies have also
shown people who secrete higher levels in response to stress also tend to eat more
food. And the food they choose is typically higher in carbohydrates. This is because your stress hormones are created from fats and sugars so therefore your body will crave more so that it can create more stress hormones.

In addition, stress has been known to slow the metabolism in some people. Of course, when this happens it is easier and far more likely that you'll gain weight. You may even feel full but still find yourself hungry. You may also be eating the same amount of food but now your body's efficiency in breaking down the calories is impacted. You end up with an "excess" of energy (from the calories) which is converted to
fat cells. Back to the food: Stress can also affect the foods you crave. When you feel sad and depressed you're more likely to reach for foods higher in fat, salt, and sugar content. Eating a salad just doesn't make you feel any better so instead, you reach for the ice cream and potato chips.

Besides the unhealthy cravings, stress can also create emotional eating disorders. The change in cortisol raises the nervous energy stored in the body. When this happens it seems natural to eat anything and everything you can get your hands on. You don't need the excess amount of food but devouring it makes you feel better; at least in your mind

On the flip side, when you emit fewer stress hormones, your cravings for doughnuts and candy bars will be far less frequent and far less appealing. So breathe deeply, relase some tension and flood your mind with happy thoughts to overcome those high stress levels.

Are You An Emotional Eater?

Scientists use the term emotional eating to describe the way many people self-medicate or cope with negative feelings such as depression, anxiety, stress, and boredom. It canalso be triggered by fatigue and exhaustion.

Studies actually confirm that people under chronic stress, tend to gain weight because of both related hormone changes and misdirected coping strategies that focus on food for relief.

These extra pounds may help you feel more grounded or nurtured. They can provide insulation from the world or a way to escape for a while from whatever is going on around you. Sometimes, people will eat to fill an internal void or to deal with emotional toxicity

Urgent: Stressing Out Will Cause You To Age 9-17 Years Faster!

Yes, you heard me right. This was recently discovered by Elisa Epel, a PhD Psychologist at the University of California. Here is her direct quote:

"We've known for 50 years that stress contributes to hypertension, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and autoimmune disorders --diseases that can shorten our lifespan. But we had no direct documentation of how stress impacts aging at the cellular level. My team identified marked changes in the DNA of the white-blood cells in stressed-out women. Under prolonged emotional stress, the telomeres --branches at the tips of each chromosome, which allow cell replication --appeared shorter. When telomeres get too short, cells can't divide and die sooner. Based on telomere length, we estimated that cells in the women studied had aged 9-17 additional years. It's possible that as more cells die, the visible effects of aging --wrinkles, diminished eyesight --become apparent."

As you can see, it doesn't pay to stress out in life. And you can save your beauty and keep the weight off if you just... RELAX!

In the next part of the lesson, I have written up some solutions for you to help your chronic stress levels. Please pay attention and definitely read this lesson more than once!

The Five Keys To Unlocking The Fat Loss Factor Mindset

1. Success leaves clues: Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Talk to people who have been successful at losing weight and keeping it off. Really pay attention to their mindset and their attitude.
2. There is no failure, only feedback: This is where to start to change your mindset. Nothing that you do can be a failure if you learn from it. Remember if you know better, then you do better. Look at Thomas Edison. He “failed” 10,000 before he created the light bulb. But when asked how he persevered, he said that he discovered 10,000 ways to not make a light bulb. He never failed.
3. People have all the ability they need to succeed: You have success within you. I promise. What you don’t have are the skill sets needed to change. This is what I am giving to you. You have to use it and apply it. Knowledge by itself isn’t power. Knowledge +action equals power. The real part that people are missing is the doing portion. Nothing will happen until something moves.
4. The people with the greatest flexibility are the ones who will most successfully navigate problem situations to achieve desired change: You have to be adaptable in losing weight. It is virtually impossible for anyone to stay on the straight and narrow. Life always happens. Do your best and if you start to stray, go back and read key number 3 listed above.
5. The highest priority emotional requirement for everyone is the innate desire to feel loved and appreciated: This is what drives ouractions. This is why everyone is always trying to look good for everyone else. Don't believe me? Step back for a second and think about why you do the things that you do... and also look around you. You'll get the picture : )
Well, I hope that you enjoyedthis lesson. Now here is your homework assignment: I want you to make a top 10 list of what you think a healthy mindset should be. I will give you mine. Change it around the best you can so that it will apply to you.
Now, read it every day for a month. Some say that a daily habit is created in 21
days. Let's be safe and give it a month!

10 Elements Of A Healthy Mindset

This is an example of what you want your mindset to look like.
1. Have an increased awareness and appreciation of yourself and your body.
2.Set aside time each day to perform rituals, or to relax and meditate. Do yoga, or tai chi (amazing for stress reduction), read the bible, pray and be thankful
3.Keep in touch with close relationships
4.The ability to adapt to ever changing conditions.
5.Always craving physical activity, and healthy food for that matter-exercise, eat right, and take good nutritional supplements.
6.Laughs a lot.-A great comedy can really make you feel better. You can also force a smile (believe me this works wonders and is contagious)
7.I Want to have fun and do things.-Don't be anti-social!
8.Always see the glass as half full. Have an optimistic attitude and be hopeful.
9.Always care about how you look and about your body; Not letting go it go downhill. Your outside is a reflection of your inside!
10.Never lets worry bother them; Rejects worry. Don't ever sweat the small stuff!

I hope that you enjoyed learning about these 5 hidden toxins. I will stay in touch
periodically to let you in on some of the most up to date information on losing
weight the "GREEN" way.
Please, I don't want you to poison your body as you try to lose weight. So many
other diets are destroying people's health and they don't even know it! It's absurd
to recommend so called "diet" foods that are only keeping the company in


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